Summer at WICA

by Deana Duncan

It’s another gorgeous day and as we work feverishly to finalize our programming and get this season brochure to print it dawns on all of us, again, what an incredible beast this thing called WICA is. She holds all these years of artistic struggle and story, she offers us a cultural home for all art and she sits on this small hill above the sea and simply says “Believe” in the power of arts to change lives.

Summer at WICA means kids age 5-18 running in and out as they take camps ranging from Tech to Puppets to Broadway, it means Tyler is cleaning and organizing the shop, it means Annie is fixing all the new holes in the walls made by careening set pieces and people in the last 12 months.

Summer means Stacie is leading board and staff through strategic planning including solid reflection on what went well this year and what, honestly, needs some attention, it means the board is analyzing financials and re-energizing their forces while box office and front desk plan for the future by entering the new upcoming season in our ticketing program and create 7,000 labels for the season brochure to get mailed in three weeks.

Summer means Kathryn in marketing is buried to an inch of her life in Season Brochure, updated website, auction and Djangofest support and continued marketing of summer camps and rentals.

Summer at WICA means thank you to all our supporters, patrons, donors, and volunteers for another amazing year and it means we’re cleaning house, getting ready.

Feel free to drop by, say hi, take a tour, let us know your favorite moment at WICA or just come by for a sprite and grenadine – we have plenty!

Deana Duncan

Deana Duncan is a theatre producer, director, actress, and writer with a background in Non-profit leadership. She lives in Langley and is WICA's Production & Programming Director.


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