Billy's Blog at WICA

I’m so glad to be here, and that you’re here too. Thank you for taking the time to visit and I hope to make your stay, at the very least, perfect. My name is Billy and since my name alliterates with the word, Blog, the name of this production quite simply fell into my lap. I am the new Managing Director here at Whidbey Island Center for the Arts and one of my goals heading into this new year is to strengthen our community outreach, in part by keeping folks more up to date about the happenings on the horizon at the Center, so that partnerships may form and ideas shared and connections made.

Right now in the Lasher Gallery we are nearing the end of hosting our most successful art opening in the Center’s history, in number of attendees and quantity of pieces sold. The hanging consists of 37 pieces from local artist, Rosie Brouse. Our next hanging will be up to show in time for the Whidbey Island Film Festival.

Not that it is of great interest to the general public, but WICA has switched over to a calendar year for its fiscal operation and I’m flat tickled about that change and would feel confident guessing at least two other employees are as much if not more so tickled than I.

This week we will be posting two job openings, one for a godsend in marketing and one for a front of house all-star – WICA is a wonderful place to work and so if you’re looking or know someone who may be a good fit keep your eyes peeled on Drewslist or for the postings, which will contain most of the relevant details.

Entering the new year, our first major piece of programming is the Whidbey Island Film Festival, which spans Wednesday through Sunday starting next week, with 7 films featured along with a concert featuring music from the scores of the featured films, and a unique event Sunday for pass holders only, Primo by Prima, a pasta event after BIG NIGHT put on with the help of Prima Bistro.  January is also peppered with concerts from fan favorites Take 3, Nancy Nolan, and LeRoy Bell.

I am so pumped(!!) for 2023, because I will be creating a Billy Improv Series for both performance and education. On the performance side, I have had the honor and privilege to connect with some of the best improvisers in North America throughout my time improvising, which began in the late nineties. Anyway, I recently reached out to a couple of old friends from my Festival days and currently one of them has agreed to come out and do an improv show with me, just the two or three of us.

On the education component of the Billy Improv Series, starting January 19th I will be hosting/facilitating/teaching a weekly drop-in improv study time from 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm on Thursdays, by donation to the Center. The “class” will range from performance improv training to personal development work, and will be good for anyone interested in growth in the areas of listening, social and spatial and emotional awareness, humor, and human connection. It will be 18+ only with exceptions granted on a case by case basis. No improv experience is required.

If you would like to be added to A) a Billy Improv Series: Performance list, or B) a Billy Improv Series: Education list, please email me and let me know at: or comment below.

Thank you very much for reading, and I hope to see you soon around the Center!


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WICA Celebrates current and former Board members at unique event.