Honoring Those Who Serve
Join us for wine tasting, good eats, and a silent auction, and the fusion guitar stylings of Andre Feriante as we honor those who serve. Our Veterans, Our Neighbors, Our Families — Heroes in Our Neighborhood.
Many of us interact and connect with veterans every day, but we might not realize it. Stop by for an hour or stay the day celebrating those who protect our freedom and raise money for services that assist thousands of veterans in our community toward coming all the way home.
If you cannot attend this event, consider donating at www.WhidbeyVRC.org.
By supporting the WVRC, we are able to continue providing free transportation to off-island VA clinics, local counseling, benefits assistance, and a safe place for veterans to get the support they need on their journey to coming all the way home
*$35 each or $60 for two
* Each ticket purchase includes a glass of wine, $5 towards food, the fusion guitar stylings of Andre Feriante and special viewing of the premier of our 10 minute Thriving Communities film.